White papers

Policy Brief: Assessing the Impact of Voluntary Actions on the Grid

A Consensus Paper from ZEROgrid’s Impact Advisory Initiative, published by RMI and ZEROgrid Executive Summary Over the past 10 years, voluntary procurement of clean energy by corporations has been a tremendous driver of renewable energy development. Since 2014, large companies have signed procurement contracts supporting the development of over 70 gigawatts of renewable energy in… Read more »

White Paper: Charging Towards Zero

Harnessing Batteries and Carbon Contracts to Accelerate Grid Decarbonization, authored by Tierra Climate in partnership with REsurety This paper examines the economic carbon impact of compensating batteries for carbon reduction using detailed electricity emissions data and a carbon contract. Carbon contracts with grid-scale batteries might provide corporations with an elegant solution to meet sustainability targets… Read more »

White Paper: Emissions Implications for Clean Hydrogen Accounting Methods

Authored by Carl Ostridge and Devon Lukas Executive Summary REsurety uses Locational Marginal Emissions (LMEs) data to analyze the effectiveness of the three carbon accounting methods proposed for compliance with new production tax credits available for clean hydrogen under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This analysis considers 32 electrolyzer-renewable project pairs across 3 different grid… Read more »

White Paper: Paths to Carbon Neutrality

Paths to Carbon Neutrality - A Comparison of Strategies for Tackling Corporate Scope II Carbon Emissions

A Comparison of Strategies for Tackling Corporate Scope II Carbon Emissions, published by Tabors Caramanis Rudkevich The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive, comparative study covering a variety of factors impacting the cost and implementation of corporate clean energy procurement strategies. Read the excerpt below to learn more. Global climate change has… Read more »

White Paper: Carbon Confidence in Climate Finance, as published by HASI

“LME is an important tool in assessing individual projects because seemingly identical renewable energy projects can have drastically different impacts on avoided carbon emissions.” CarbonCount is a decision tool that evaluates investments in U.S.-based renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate resilience projects to determine how efficiently they reduce CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions per $1,000 of… Read more »

White Paper: Making It Count

Updating Scope 2 accounting to drive the next phase of decarbonization EXCERPT: Corporations are increasingly focused on reducing their carbon footprints by decarbonizing the electric grid. While solar and wind energy development have rightly been a mainstay of these efforts, there is growing consensus that producing more clean energy alone isn’t enough. To maximize grid… Read more »

Friends Don’t Let Friends Use 8760s …at least not for revenue modeling

Authored by Jennifer Newman, Vice President of Atmospheric Science Research, REsurety White Paper Executive Summary An “8760” (sometimes known as a “typical meteorological year,” or “TMY”) is a year-long hourly time series of expected generation for a wind or solar project. As the name implies, an 8760 contains generation values for all 8,760 hours of… Read more »

White paper: Locational Marginal Emissions


A Force Multiplier for the Carbon Impact of Clean Energy Programs EXCERPT: While the impressive growth in clean energy development is an encouraging signal that we can tackle the harms of greenhouse gases and climate change, we should remember that clean energy deployment itself is not the ultimate goal. Tracking environmental goals in traditional units… Read more »

Risk Mitigation for Corporate Renewable PPAs


REsurety contributes a chapter on how to manage risk in virtual PPAs through Volume Firming Agreements in this new report by RE-Source, a joint platform of WindEurope, SolarPower Europe, the RE100, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. EXCERPT: Corporates have a variety of different drivers for looking to source power from renewables, but the… Read more »

Accounting Primer for C&I Renewable Energy Buyers


For C&I Buyers looking to mitigate risks in their PPAs, CohnReznick provides new accounting guidance on Volume Firming Agreements and Settlement Guarantee Agreements in a whitepaper co-published with REsurety. EXCERPT An important consideration for Buyers is how these contracts, or group of contracts, will be assessed for accounting purposes. Like a traditional vPPA, contracts like… Read more »


Q1 2024 State of the Renewables Market Report

A view of Q1 2024 U.S. renewable energy performance REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. Please fill out the form to access the full report, the Editor’s Note is below. Editor’s… Read more »

Q4 2023 State of the Renewables Market Report

A view of Q4 2023 U.S. renewable energy performance REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. Please fill out the form to access the full report, the Editor’s Note is below. Editor’s… Read more »

Q3 2023 State of the Renewables Market Report

A view of Q3 2023 U.S. renewable energy performance REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. Please fill out the form to access the full report, the Editor’s Note is below. Editor’s… Read more »

Q2 2023 State of the Renewables Market Report

A view of Q2 2023 U.S. renewable energy performance REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. We use our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands… Read more »

Q1 2023 State of the Renewables Market Report

A view of Q1 2023 U.S. renewable energy performance REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. We use our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands… Read more »

Q4 2022 State of the Renewables Market Report

Carl Ostridge

A view of Q4 2022 U.S. renewable energy performance REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. We use our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands… Read more »

Q3 2022 State of the Renewables Market Report

A view of Q3 2022 U.S. renewable energy performance REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. We use our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands… Read more »

Q2 2022 REmap Report

REsurety creates the REmap-powered State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the emerging trends and value of renewables in U.S. power markets. We combine our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands of projects and locations and summarize key findings here.… Read more »

June 2022 Project Finance NewsWire

How Hedges Have Changed Since Uri, Lee Taylor, REsurety CEO Project Finance NewsWire spotlights developments affecting project finance and the energy sector; you can find Lee Taylor’s feature on page 15. AN EXCERPT: The hedge market is offering the same menu of options a year and a half after a sudden cold snap in Texas… Read more »

Q1 2022 REmap Report

REsurety creates the REmap-powered State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the emerging trends and value of renewables in U.S. power markets. We combine our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands of projects and locations and summarize key findings here.… Read more »

Q4 2021 State of the Renewables Market Report

REmap Q4 2021 Report

REsurety creates the REmap-powered State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the emerging trends and value of renewables in U.S. power markets. We combine our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands of projects and locations and summarize key findings here.… Read more »

Q3 2021 REmap Report

The REmap-Driven Q3 2021 State of Renewables Report was released today! This report reveals the captured value of operational wind and solar projects in major US markets in Q3 2021, and highlights how those values have changed in each market over time. Data is aggregated from millions of data points across public and private sources to shed light… Read more »

Q2 2021 REmap Report

1. Modeled Q2 PPA Performance Across Major Hubs REmap’s new vPPA simulator feature allows users to backcast vPPA settlement at all project locations, enabling analysis of market performance through the lens of a generator or vPPA buyer.  vPPA settlements represent the value (or cost) of the unit-contingent contract-for-difference hedge settlements that result from a virtual Power… Read more »

A Corporate Purchaser’s Guide to Risk Mitigation


REsurety’s CEO Lee Taylor offered insight into this new report by The Business Renewables Center (BRC), a program of Rocky Mountain Institute. EXCERPT The US corporate renewable market has grown by leaps and bounds in the past five years. Corporate procurement has rapidly expanded from a niche to a substantial part of the US electricity… Read more »

Customer stories

REsurety Helps Akamai Power and Protect Life Online Sustainably

The most innovative companies worldwide choose Akamai to secure and deliver its digital experiences – helping billions of people live, work, and play every day. With the world’s largest and most trusted edge platform, Akamai keeps apps, code, and experiences closer to users – and threats farther away. With REsurety’s locational marginal emissions (LME) data,… Read more »

REsurety Enables Broad Reach Power’s Grid Decarbonization

Broad Reach Power (BRP) is a leading U.S. utility-scale independent power producer (IPP) that understands the long-term value and rapid growth of energy storage as an infrastructure asset, particularly in those markets transitioning from traditional to renewable generation. BRP’s facilities provide flexibility, reliability, and environmental benefits while generating revenues from both risk-management contracts and spot-market… Read more »

Confidently Partner on Renewable Project Investments Using REsurety: HASI Case Study

HASI logo

We sat down with Rich Santoroski, Chief Risk Officer & Co-Head, Portfolio Management, and Raj Singamsetti, Market & Regulatory Lead of the climate investment firm HASI, to talk about how they use REsurety to conduct investments in renewable projects.  With more than $8 billion in managed assets, HASI’s (NYSE: HASI) core purpose is to make… Read more »

Marathon Helps Clients Choose the Right Renewable Opportunities Using REsurety

REsurety sat down with Joan Hutchinson, Managing Director at Marathon Capital, to talk about how her team uses REsurety to inform their corporate clients on renewable energy procurement. ABOUT MARATHON CAPITAL: Marathon Capital is a world-class investment bank with a mission to achieve their clients’ strategic and financial objectives by delivering inspired, knowledge-based solutions to… Read more »


Climate Positive Podcast: Not every battery is created equal

Climate Positive HASI logo

Strategies for maximizing the emissions reduction potential of the growing energy storage market As the energy density of batteries continues to increase even as costs keep declining, the stationary energy storage market is booming, with investment growing by over 7x over the last few years – from $5 billion in 2020 to over $35 billion… Read more »

Volts Podcast: Grid-scale batteries do not currently reduce emissions. Here’s how they could.

A conversation with Jacob Mansfield & Emma Konet of Tierra Climate. Volts’ David Roberts sits down with Tierra Climate’s co-founders to discuss how the company is focusing on incentivizing emissions-reducing behavior in batteries by making it an eligible carbon offset. Listen to the full podcast here, or download a full PDF transcript below. Episode Summary… Read more »

Climate Positive Podcast: Going Beyond Megawatt Hour Matching

Climate Positive Podcast

Last month, HASI’s Chad Reed was joined by REsurety’s Lee Taylor, TCR’s Hank He, GM’s Rob Threlkeld, and Putnam Investments’ Katherine Collins to participate in a panel at the GreenFin 23 event. The discussion revolved around the need to move beyond megawatt hour matching and towards carbon matching. This episode of Climate Positive is a… Read more »

The Interchange Recharged Podcast: GHG Accounting Reform Could Transform Energy Investment

In this episode of The Interchange Recharged, David Banmiller is joined by AWS’ Jake Oster and Meta’s Peter Freed to discuss the goals of the Emissions First Partnership and why updating carbon accounting standards is so important. Listen to the podcast here or on Spotify, or download a full PDF transcript below. Episode Summary Changes… Read more »

Climate Positive Podcast: Integrating Emissionality into the Greenhouse Gas Protocol

Climate Positive Podcast

In this episode of Climate Positive, HASI’s Chad Reed and Brendan Herron sit down with Faraz Ahmad, Head of Net Zero Grid at Amazon, to discuss the Emissions First Partnership and how underserved regions could benefit from an emissions first energy transition approach. Listen to the podcast here, or read the transcript below. Episode Summary… Read more »

Tuck Energy Currents Podcast: The Impacts of Recent Legislation on Renewable Development

Lee Taylor

This podcast features REsurety’s Co-Founder and CEO, Lee Taylor, discussing his career journey leading to the founding of REsurety and the impacts of recent legislation on renewable development. There is also a full transcript with a PDF download option below. Listen to the full podcast here or on Spotify. Tuck Energy Currents is a student-led… Read more »

Out of Nowhere Podcast: Advancing Clean Energy Through Weather Data and Financial Modeling

Sinéad Barry-O’Brien

This podcast features REsurety’s COO, Sinéad Barry-O’Brien, she discusses advancing clean energy through weather data and financial modeling. You can watch a short clip from the podcast below. There is also a full transcript with a PDF download option below. Listen to the full podcast here:SpotifyYouTube Out of Nowhere is produced by Justin Watkins of… Read more »

The Big REthink: Understanding ESG’s Impact on Business

Today, as climate concerns continue to rise, consumers, employees and investors are looking for a lot more transparency from the companies they buy from, work for and support. On this episode of The Big REthink, Lee Taylor, co-founder and CEO of REsurety, talks to host Brian Rowley about the current state of clean energy initiatives,… Read more »

Eight Minutes Podcast: Emissions First

Eight Minutes podcast

Not all renewable power projects are alike. A wind project placed next to another wind project may not have the same impact on reducing carbon emissions as one placed near a coal facility. The location and timing of when the renewable power is produced is important in order to truly maximize the impact. Enter REsurety,… Read more »

Clean Integration Podcast: Managing Intermittent Power Risks

Listen in as John Belizaire, CEO at Soluna Computing and Lee Taylor, CEO at REsurety discuss the challenge of intermittency in the renewable energy market. The podcast covers REsurety’s impact on the clean energy economy through their innovative tools like Locational Marginal Emissions (LMEs) and hedging strategies. The Clean Integration Podcast features experts in the renewable… Read more »

Currents Podcast: Recent Evolution of the Hedge Market

Listen in as Todd Alexander and Lee Taylor discuss the recent evolution of the hedge market due to the impacts of winter storm Uri. They get into the spectrum of hedging options before the storm, how each of those structures fared, how the hedging landscape has changed and more. The Currents Podcast features in-depth discussions on… Read more »

PODCAST: Climate Torch’s Chris Wedding hosts REsurety’s CEO Lee Taylor


Listen in as Chris asks Lee about REsurety and what makes the company unique; the recent and historical funding of the company; and some advice on leadership, exercise and reading recommendations.  Return to the main menu of podcasts, or return to the blog posts main menu.

PODCAST: Climate Positive’s Chad Reed hosts REsurety’s CEO Lee Taylor


HASI (fka Hannon Armstrong)’s Climate Positive Podcast Listen in as Chad Reed from HASI asks Lee Taylor about REsurety, how he was born and bred to be an environmentalist, and measuring and maximizing the carbon impact of clean energy projects. Return to the main menu of podcasts, or return to the blog posts main menu.

PODCAST: EnergyMatters2U hosts REsurety’s SVP of Software Adam Reeve


Listen in to this podcast where EnergyMatters2U hosts REsurety’s SVP of Software Adam Reeve as he details the company’s mission to empower the clean energy fueled future.  Return to the main menu of podcasts, or return to the blog posts main menu.

PODCAST: My Energy 2050 (Ep 46) Weathering Risk: The climatology of energy markets with Aaron Perry


My Energy 2050’s Dr. Michael LaBelle speaks with Aaron Perry, a Senior Associate in Valuation and Risk Analytics at REsurety. Listen in as they discuss the role that long-term and short-term weather forecasting plays in reducing financial risks. Aaron is a climatologist and takes a long-term view on the impact weather has on renewable energy, like wind and solar. Return… Read more »

PODCAST: SunCast episode 403 – Friends Don’t Let Friends Use 8760s with Dr. Jennifer Newman


A recent white paper from REsurety, with contributions from HASI (fka Hannon Armstrong), a leading investor in climate solutions, offers an in-depth analysis into how using an “8760” energy model can lead to significant errors in revenue modeling — topping 30% in some high renewable penetration markets. Despite their widespread use in the renewable energy… Read more »


VERGE 24 – October 29-31, 2024

VERGE 2024

REsurety will be returning to VERGE, the leading climate tech event. We are excited to be returning to the VERGE 2024 event in San Jose, CA, on October 29-31. REsurety’s Adam Reeve, Christine Donohue, and Sam Peffer will be attending. Book a meeting with us at VERGE. Book a meeting with REsurety at VERGE About… Read more »

American Clean Power Resource & Technology Conference – September 30 – October 2, 2024

ACP Resource + Tech 2024

REsurety’s Sarah Sofia will speak on the panel, Advancements in Transmission Technology – Focus on GETs REsurety will be attending the ACP Resource & Technology Conference from September 30 – October 2, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona. REsurety’s Sarah Sofia, Senior Research Associate, will join the panel, Advancements in Transmission Technology – Focus on GETs on… Read more »

Webinar: How to Create an Accurate and Useful Capture Rate, August 8 at 1pm EST

Marathon Capital’s Joan Hutchinson will share her expertise As the world shifts from a fossil-fuel-driven, high carbon environment to the decarbonized future of tomorrow, Marathon Capital is dedicated to supporting businesses, governments, and non-governmental organizations navigate the risks and challenges associated with their environmental impact. In this webinar, on August 8, 2024, at 1:00 pm… Read more »

Smart Energy Decisions Renewable Energy Forum

Smart Energy Decisions Renewable Energy Forum

REsurety was excited to attend the event in Aventura, FL. REsurety’s Christine Donohue attended the 2024 Smart Energy Decisions Renewable Energy Forum on June 12-14, 2024, in Aventura, Florida. To learn more or get in touch with REsurety, click the button below: About the forum The Renewable Energy Forum delivers peer learning, networking, and consultative… Read more »

Webinar Recording: Q1 2024 Quarterly Report Findings, Insight, and Q&A

REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. We use our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands of locations and summarize key findings. In this webinar,… Read more »

Clean Energy Buyers Association (CEBA) Connect: 2024 Spring Summit

REsurety attended the event in Denver, CO. REsurety’s Adam Reeve, Christine Donohue, and Sam Peffer attended the Clean Energy Buyers Association Spring Summit on May 22-24, 2024, in Denver, Colorado. We also hosted a Conversation Table on Wednesday, May 22 from 3:45 – 5:15 PM. Details about the session are below. Title: Better Forecasting for… Read more »

Energy Systems Integration Group: 2024 Forecasting & Markets Workshop


REsurety was at the event in Salt Lake City, UT. REsurety’s Jennifer Newman attended the ESIG 2024 Forecasting & Markets Workshop on June 11-13, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah. On Thursday, June 13, Jennifer spoke on the panels, Bridging the Gap between Atmospheric Science and Grid Modeling, from 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM, and… Read more »

Gulf Coast Power Association Spring 2024 Conference

Gulf Coast Power Association

REsurety’s Co-Founder and CEO, Lee Taylor, attended the event in Houston. REsurety’s Lee Taylor joined Gulf Coast Power Association’s panel on April 16th at 3:45 pm. Learn more about the session below. Session Title: The What and How of Sustainability Description: Many corporations have announced significant sustainability goals – including net zero ambitions within the… Read more »

S&P Global Commodity Insights: Global Power Markets Conference 2024

S&P Global Global Power Markets Conference 2024

REsurety was excited attend the event in Las Vegas. Adam Reeve, REsurety’s SVP of Sales & Customer Success, attended S&P Global Commodity Insights’ Global Power Markets Conference on April 15-17, 2024, in Las Vegas, Nevada. About the conference The leading annual event in the global energy sector, the Global Power Markets Conference, is making its… Read more »

Webinar Recording: Q4 2023 Quarterly Report Findings, Insight, and Q&A

REsurety creates the State of the Renewables Market report every quarter to provide readers with data-driven insight into the value and emerging trends of renewable generation in U.S. power markets. We use our domain expertise in power markets, atmospheric science, and renewable offtake to analyze thousands of locations and summarize key findings. In this webinar… Read more »

Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit 2024

REsurety was excited to return to the Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit. REsurety attended the 2024 Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit on March 10-13 in Phoenix, AZ. Co-Founder & CEO, Lee Taylor, SVP of Sales & Customer Success, Adam Reeve, and Emma Marjollet, Account Executive, represented REsurety at the show. About… Read more »

Webinar Recording: Hot Grid Summer: Unpacking ERCOT’s Unusually Warm Summer of 2023

The summer of 2023 felt like an endless chain of heat waves in the U.S. but nowhere more so than in Texas, which experienced its second hottest summer on record. In this webinar, meteorologists Jennifer Newman and Jessica Tomaszewski discussed the meteorological drivers of the heat wave, the temperature and demand records that were set,… Read more »

Webinar Recording: REsurety Solutions Showcase: Simplify Your Renewable Energy Portfolio Audits and Explanations

Do you struggle understanding and forecasting performance of your Power Purchase Agreements? Many clean energy buyers share this same challenge. In this session you will learn an easier way to: We shared real-world use cases where clean energy buyers have found simpler, more efficient ways of understanding and reporting on their portfolios. We even gave… Read more »

Webinar Recording: Unpacking ERCOT Solar Capture Rates in REsurety’s Weather-Smart Forecasts

REsurety’s Weather-Smart forecasts show sharply declining solar value in ERCOT. Average solar capture rates fall to around 75% by 2030 in our baseline forecast, with significant weather and fundamentals-driven variability about that average. In this webinar, we unpacked these results by evaluating progressively more sophisticated forecasting models. We showed that: We also had 10-15 minutes… Read more »

American Clean Power Resource & Technology Conference

Resource & Tech

REsurety’s Carl Ostridge spoke on the panel, Definition and Forecasting Methodologies, Implications and Mitigation Strategies Applied to Basis Risk REsurety attended the ACP Resource & Technology Conference on November 14-15, 2023 in Austin, Texas. REsurety’s SVP of Analytics Services, Carl Ostridge, joined the panel, Definition and Forecasting Methodologies, Implications and Mitigation Strategies Applied to Basis… Read more »

S&P Global Commodity Insights Financing US Power Conference

S&P Global Financing US Power Conference

REsurety’s Lee Taylor joined the panel, Investment Opportunities and the IRA REsurety attended the S&P Global Commodity Insights Financing US Power Conference on October 30-31. REsurety’s Co-Founder and CEO, Lee Taylor, participated in the panel, Investment Opportunities and the IRA on October 30th at 11:15 am ET. Learn more about the session below. Title: Investment… Read more »


REsurety returned to VERGE to exhibit at the leading climate tech event. REsurety exhibited at the VERGE 2023 event in San Jose, CA, on October 24-26. You could find us at booth #412. About the event VERGE 23 is the leading climate tech event accelerating solutions to the most pressing challenges of our time. It… Read more »

GreenFin 23

REsurety is excited to be joining a panel with other industry leaders. REsurety attended GreenFin 23, the premier sustainable finance and investing event on June 26-28 in Boston. REsurety’s Co-Founder and CEO, Lee Taylor, was on the panel, Going Beyond Megawatt Hour Matching on June 26th at 4:00 pm, along with HASI, General Motors, TCR… Read more »

CohnReznick 10th Renewable Energy Summit

REsurety’s Lee Taylor joined the panel, Risk in the new age REsurety attended the CohnReznick Renewable Energy Summit on June 14-16, 2023, in Dana Point, CA. REsurety’s Co-Founder and CEO, Lee Taylor, joined the panel, Risk in the new age on June 16th at 9:15 am PT. Learn more about the session below. Title: Risk… Read more »
