From regional trend analysis to hourly project performance benchmarking, Project and Carbon Explorer deliver the breadth and depth of analysis you need, quickly and accurately, all with a couple of clicks. Project and Carbon Explorer leverage REsurety’s unique expertise at the intersection of atmospheric science, power market modeling and big data. Billions of data points are integrated, quality controlled and analyzed to provide the financial metrics that are critical to renewable energy decision makers’ success.
View historical price and generation data for any project up to 20 years into the past or 20 years into the future. Historical data can even be modeled to pre-date a project’s commission date to simulate a longer backcast of project performance. And forecasted power prices and generation are available across a range of power market conditions and weather scenarios to get a complete and realistic range of possible future outcomes.
In addition to accessing generation and power market data across the entire United States, at all renewable project locations, Project and Carbon Explorer offer the ability to view and analyze historical and forecasted LME data for operational wind and solar projects in ERCOT, PJM, CAISO, MISO, SPP, NYISO, and ISONE. Quickly access high quality carbon emissions data paired with generation at the monthly and hourly level.
Access detailed performance data for nearly 2,000 existing and operational projects. No existing project? No problem. Simulate a wind or solar project anywhere in the contiguous U.S. using our advanced modeling methodology. One solution provides complete geographic insight into the U.S. renewable energy market.
Temporal and geographic data available at multiple granularities and resolutions. Whether you’re looking for temporal data at the monthly, hourly or peak/off-peak level or geographic data for the county, hub or ISO, aggregate and disaggregate data to the resolution that makes sense for your business and decision-making needs.
Put our data to work. Download data directly for ad-hoc reporting and presentation needs or integrate more fully using our API and your programming language of choice for a seamless workflow experience between other platforms or in-house analytical tools.
Metrics are made available at multiple levels to anticipate your needs. View metrics on an individual project level or across multiple projects or geographies to compare performance. Common metrics include Basis, Shape, Merchant Revenue, As-Gen Price, ATC Price, 12×2 Price, 12×24 Price, Negative Price, Generation, PPA settlement, FVS settlement and more.
Model the most common types of risk transfers in the market: fixed volume swaps and virtual PPAs. For fixed volume swaps, easily define your market, price type, hedge amount and view outcomes for both the short and long price perspectives. For virtual PPAs, easily define your market, settlement point, price and view outcomes from either a generator or offtaker perspective.
Expand your pipeline and filter opportunities better, faster, cheaper.
Understand option set and evaluate on risk adjusted basis.
Understand your client’s opportunities and threats as well as – or better than – they do.
Compare RFP submissions on an apples-to-apples, risk-adjusted basis.
Expand your pipeline and filter opportunities better, faster, cheaper.
Start your discussions with precision: data-driven pricing estimates and comparative value.