Category: Product Brochure

Risk Management Brochure

Risk Management Tools for Clean Energy Sellers and Clean Energy Buyers

This brochure outlines: REsurety’s Experience; Tools for Energy Buyers and Sellers such as power purchase agreements and settlement swap agreements. Fill out the form below to download.

Risk Management Tools for Clean Energy Sellers and Clean Energy Buyers

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Platts Emissions Adjusted Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) FAQ

S&P Global Commodity Insights Platts and REsurety Emissions Adjusted Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) FAQ Brochure.
S&P Global Commodity Insights Platts and REsurety Emissions Adjusted Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) FAQ Brochure.

Platts has extensive coverage of the US Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) market with prices published across all compliance and voluntary state markets.

Not all RECs have the same emissions impact and crucially emissions impact is not currently reported for any REC. As a result, the carbon reduction potential of individual REC instruments is not captured in current pricing.

S&P Global Commodity Insights has partnered with REsurety to bring transparency to renewables based emissions impacts.

Read the press release here.

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