Companies can now make clean energy procurement decisions based on the lowest cost for carbon reduction across the entire U.S.
Authored by Lee Taylor, Co-Founder and CEO, REsurety
Up until now, it’s been impossible for clean energy companies to make informed clean energy procurement decisions across the country in a way that makes their budgets go as far as possible when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. As of today, REsurety’s platform changes all that with the availability of both Weather-Smart power price forecasts and Locational Marginal Emissions (LMEs) data that now cover all seven U.S. deregulated ISOs (CAISO, ERCOT, ISONE, MISO, NYISO, PJM, and SPP).
REsurety first launched its power price forecasts and Locational Marginal Emissions data in Texas’ ERCOT market in December of 2022. This renewables-rich market is important for many clean energy buyers, developers and investors, given the rapid rate of growth of wind, solar and storage projects across the state. Ever since then, our team of atmospheric scientists, renewable energy and power markets experts, and software engineers have worked tirelessly to bring our solutions into new markets, helping us reach today’s milestone: full coverage across all U.S. deregulated ISOs.
Locational Marginal Emissions data enables customers forecasting and measurement of the emissions impact of their clean energy purchases. Weather-Smart power price forecasts provides forward-looking views of power prices and wind and solar capture rates based on project-specific weather modeling across 40+ years of representative weather scenarios. Having both of these data sets available across all ISOs allows our customers to compare the cost-benefit of different clean energy project purchasing decisions on a nationwide scale, something that previously wasn’t possible.
Emissions-focused clean energy customers can now leverage the REsurety platform to optimize for: cost per MWh, cost per ton of carbon avoided, or 24/7 Carbon Free Energy. The platform was designed for the full spectrum of clean energy customers, from buyers who are running RFPs, to hydrogen developers maximizing the cost-effectiveness of their electrolyzer. Regardless of each customer’s specific priorities, REsurety is able to help buyers or their advisors, as well as their clean energy suppliers, identify the best projects to suit their needs using our off-the-shelf PPA Evaluator tool or a more bespoke advisory engagement.
If you would like to learn more, please contact us at: [email protected].
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