REsurety attended the summit in Austin, TX

REsurety’s VP of Business Development, Owen Glubiak, attended the ERCOT Market Summit from February 25 – 27 in Austin, TX. Contact us here.

VP, Business Development
About the conference
ERCOT Market Summit 2025 will provide a truly remarkable discussion by Texas policy makers, regulators, utility executives, renewable and dispatchable generation developers, financiers and other experts on how the myriad changes will affect risks, rewards, and challenges in the future, and the strategies that leading players are using to capture new opportunities now.
Infocast’s ERCOT Market Summit 2025 will provide an unparalleled deep dive into the impacts of new policies on reliability, power pricing, project development and bankability, and how to best meet the shifting needs of commercial, industrial, and retail customers.
A consummate group of experts and insiders will:
- Share the latest information on energy legislation brewing in the 89th Legislative Session, their potential impact on the ERCOT market, and how market participants are responding
- Assess how the new regulatory and market rule changes being implemented now will impact ERCOT in 2025 and beyond
- Hear how well the Texas Energy Fund is working to drive investment in dispatchable assets
- Explore the opportunities and challenges of reliably supplying power to new AI data centers and large flexible loads
- Examine how interconnection and planning processes are changing to deal with the sudden new reality of supplying over 60 GW of additional load
- Gain the perspectives of financiers on how policy and regulatory risks are affecting their decision-making regarding financing dispatchable generation, wind, solar, and storage projects in ERCOT
- Explore the huge opportunities and dangers of developing storage in ERCOT
- Evaluate how the implementation of real-time co-optimization (RTC) and a new dispatchable reliability reserve service will affect market dynamics
Last year Infocast’s ERCOT Market Summit reached new heights of attendance and audience satisfaction. Attend the ERCOT Market Summit along with 800 of your peers and take advantage of your best opportunity to connect with key players and hear their plans for the upcoming year, while obtaining critical insights into the business environment of the next five years.
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