Identify opportunities and risks, evaluate projects, and manage your portfolio.

CleanSight is an integrated suite of clean energy software solutions that addresses the specific needs of our clean energy customers: buyers, sellers, and investors. The platform is built on the input and feedback of those stakeholders and offers end-to-end workflow support. The platform includes Discover, Impact, Simulate, and Manage.

REsurety’s founder and CEO Lee Taylor explains the challenges that CleanSight solves.

Thank you for innovating. Thank you for building products that are usable, not just by sustainability professionals, but can be used across the organization and be impactful for finance teams, for engineering teams, even for folks on my team that are looking at CDR and removal strategies. I think you’re doing a fantastic job and keep up the great work, don’t stop innovating.

Mike Mattera, Director of Corporate Sustainability & ESG Officer, Akamai Technologies

CleanSight includes:

Project Explorer


In Discover you can view historical price and generation data for any project up to 20 years into the past or 20 years into the future. Historical data can even be modeled to pre-date a project’s commission date to simulate a longer backcast of project performance. Forecasted power prices and generation are available across a range of power market conditions and weather scenarios to get a realistic range of possible future outcomes.

Carbon Explorer


Impact offers the ability to view and analyze historical and forecasted LME data for operational wind and solar projects in ERCOT, PJM, CAISO, MISO, SPP, NYISO, and ISONE. You can quickly access high-quality carbon emissions data paired with generation at the monthly (forecasted and historical) and hourly (historical only) level.

Project Evaluator


Simulate is a tool for forecasting and backcasting wind and solar project and PPA performance. With the tool, users can rank power purchase agreement RFP results based on expected financial value and risk, emissions impact, carbon free energy metrics, among others. For renewable projects and contracts, you can forecast project generation and offtake settlements.

Portfolio Tracker


With Manage, you can analyze how wind and solar contracts are performing and what risks they hold; evaluate how settlement is expected to occur going forward; and track project and contract-specific carbon emissions and financial performance. Perhaps most importantly, with Manage, you can confidently explain financial and environmental outcomes to your stakeholders.

Learn how we can help you achieve your ambitious clean energy and carbon goals, contact us.

“We are pleased to incorporate REsurety’s dynamic new tool in service of our commitment to innovative client solutions. Like their entire set of software applications, Portfolio Tracker offers superior data with actionable insights to evaluate new renewable energy investments and monitor asset performance.”

Rich Santoroski, EVP, Chief Risk Officer and Co-Head of Portfolio Management

“REsurety makes it easy to quickly step through different value and risk scenarios in an approachable way for our clients.”

Joan Hutchinson, Managing Director
Marathon Capital

“Thank you for innovating. Thank you for building products that are usable, not just by sustainability professionals, but can be used across the organization and be impactful for finance teams, for engineering teams, even for folks on my team that are looking at CDR and removal strategies on the emissions side. I think you’re doing a fantastic job and keep up the great work, don’t stop innovating.”

Mike Mattera, Director of Corporate Sustainability & ESG Officer
Akamai Technologies