Simulate is a tool for forecasting and backcasting wind and solar project and PPA performance.

With the tool, users can rank power purchase agreement RFP results based on expected financial value and risk, emissions impact, carbon free energy metrics, among others. For renewable projects and contracts, you can forecast generation and offtake settlements.

Evaluate bids against standardized metrics to compare opportunities and trade-offs.

Simulate generates three key sets of outputs including: summary, historical, and forecast.

The summary output provides forecasted summary metrics for the length of the contract term to help customers simulate the long-term financial settlement and emissions impact of projects/contracts under consideration. Historical analysis is provided to help customers ground forecasted expectations in historical performance and trends, as well as provide more nodal granularity for emissions impact and basis data. Forecasted analysis is provided to help customers simulate the long-term financial settlement and emissions impact of projects/contracts under consideration.

Simulate enables you to diligence and stack-rank PPA bids. You can:

  • Simulate how a specific project and associated contract would have performed historically and forecast performance over the contract term.
  • Evaluate bids against standardized metrics to compare opportunities and trade-offs.